Products / Sampling, AGR and NIR / NIR Near Infra-Red

NIR Near Infra-Red


Precision farming is becoming increasingly important for the agricultural sector. Minerals are getting more expensive and scarce and it is more and more important to apply them in a precise manner. D-TEC has developed the solution for this by fitting a manure tank trailer with a Near Infra-Red sensor. This sensor can measure the levels of nutrients  including nitrogen, phosphate and potassium in real time. 

Near Infra-Red will produce cost savings 
Many arable farmers spread animal slurry on their crops. This produces a significant financial benefit in relation to artificial fertiliser. After all, you have to pay for artificial fertiliser, while also animal manure can be obtained whereby you frequently even receive money for it. Analysing a batch of slurry in advance with a Near Infra-Red Sensor facilitates more accurate manuring. This produces a saving of between € 30 and € 60 per hectare for those arable farmers who already use slurry. The difference with manuring with artificial fertiliser is even greater, a saving of approximately € 140 per hectare.  

The manure is measured by a Near Infra-Red (NIR) sensor in the sampling tube of the tank, enabling real time detection of the levels in the manure (nitrogen, phosphate). The composition of the various nutrients (including nitrogen, phosphate and potassium) in slurry can differ significantly, both between different animal species and within a single batch of slurry. A D-TEC manure tank trailer fitted with a NIR sensor offers end users the possibility to be able to anticipate on the composition of the manure in real time. Nutrients can be added until the correct proportions of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium have been achieved. This means that the user can apply the total manure requirement on a parcel in a single processing action. 

Pilot with the Dutch government
The Netherlands is a pioneer in the field of regulations governing manure transportation (2006) and sampling (1997). D-TEC is one of the suppliers of sampling systems and ADR units (Automatic Data Registration). The government expressed the desire to start a pilot with Near Infra-Red. It wishes to use this pilot to evaluate whether Near Infra-Red can be used for the registration of manure transports and sampling. Several Dutch manufacturers, including D-TEC, were approached in order to participate in this pilot.